Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
A Resource Parent is the new term for Foster Parent that was updated in 2017 when Resource Family Approval was adopted. RFA is a new family-friendly and child-centered caregiver approval process that combines elements of the current foster parent licensing, relative approval, and approvals for adoption and guardianship processes and replaces those processes.
A 12-hour pre-service training called Resource Family Approval (RFA) Module 1, 2, 3 & 4 are required and offered monthly online through the FKCE program at College of the Redwoods.
- Prospective Foster/Adoptive (Resource) parents
- Licensed County Foster/Adoptive Parents
- Foster Family Agency Foster Parents and Staff
- Kinship Caregivers, Legal Guardians (whether formal or informal)
- Social workers and other professionals who work with Foster/Adoptive Parents
- Respite caregivers who will be serving foster/adoptive parents
- Any community member
All Foster & Kinship Care Education (FKCE) classes are provided to the community at no cost by the State of California and the federal government.
The class packet for Modules 1 - 4 will be mailed to you prior to the class. All other class materials can be downloaded from the "Class Materials" page. If you wish to receive a hard copy of these materials, please email
You can watch the live training from a desktop computer, laptop, iPad, tablet, or smart phone. You can also call in on a regular landline and listen to the training. We suggest you request a paper copy of the class PowerPoint so you can follow along if you unable to view the presentation.
After completing a class, each household will receive one or more resource books related to the class topic to read with the children in your care. Some books are intended for further education of the caregiver.
The required 3-hour CPR/First Aid class for Resource Family Approval is offered by FKCE online only every month (except July), There is no in-person option at this time. Refer to the "Class Schedule" page for day/time.
All licensed resource parents are required to complete 8 hours of annual foster care education, which fulfills the Humboldt & Del Norte County mandates. It is also mandatory to take Module 2 each year to renew your license and the other 5 hours can be accrued through any FKCE class, except CPR/First Aid.
Once you have completed Module 1 - 4, you only need to re-take Module 2 every year for your annual renewal. The CPR/First Aid class is good for 2 years. All other classes are good for 1 year and can be re-taken at any time. All FKCE classes count toward the annual renewal (except CPR/First Aid).